Saturday, July 26, 2008


All the team who paddled today really did themselves and their friends and families at home proud!
Shaun, in his first year specialising in C1, was up first and he was 5th off so was hard for him. He didnt start well and hit too many gates and rolled once. After a nervous wait we realised he was 39th, so if he went cleaner then he would make it. His second run was much better and only 1 touch so he made it through to semis, in 36th.
Ella ( team Cook Islands) was the next of our group and as Cooks hadnt been at JWC before she weas ranked near the beginning. She had a solid first run, dropping a bit low in a couple of ups, but with only 1 penalty she was 23rd after first runs. Knowing that she had to do the same again for a semi spot she delivered and finished 16th.
Bridey was next and she had a good solid first run, nailing some of the big moves with a minor mistake causing a recirc at gate 17. After first runs she was in with a semi chance sitting at 38th.
Unfortunately one big mistake, losing an edge after gate 7, caused her to slip into hitting gate 9 before negotiating 8 so getting a 50. We were all proud of her gaining her composure and finishing her run well, but unfortunately missing the cut for semis.
Nikki was the last of the group and she was feeling really ill with some sort of virus. Being the strong, determined character that she is she pulled it togther for a very respectable 29th after first runs. After video analysis, we made her a bed on a plastic bag, like the hommies, in the competitors tent and she got a 20 minute catnap before her second run. She was awesome and had an almost clean run to end up qualifying in 23rd. The top qualifying positions were dominated by Germans, and Slovenians in C1 and Germans and Czechs in K1W.
The afternoon was stinking hot but very exciting with C1 and K1W teams events. the Slovenians won the C1 teams, while the Czech girls dominated the women's event.
Tommorrow the C2 and K1 men have their qualifications and the weather is supposed to be REALLY hot.

Friday, July 25, 2008


The sun is shining and it looks to be a great day for the first day of the 2008 Junior World Champs.
Follow links on the right for race results.
Shaun Higgins number 5 1st run 9.04 (7.04pm NZ), Ella Nicholas (Cook Islands) number 78 1st runs 10.14am (8.14pm) Bridey Woudberg 82 1st run 10.18am (8.18pm) and Nikki Whitehead 10.25am ( 8.25pm NZ)

Second runs will be approx 2 hours after first runs.
The rest of the kiwi team races on Saturday.


Final training for the girls and C1. Accreditation and everyone has a photo ID to wear. I had to check out they had the correct flag and listen to the national anthem- would be great one day to hear that, with a kiwi on the podium. Boat control and a flurry of activity with sticking in weights, esp in new boats. Demos were at 4pm and most thought the course is OK. The heavens opened up for the opening ceremony so as you can see we all got soaked. All countries marched in and lined up behind their nations name. The ICF flag was raised, the Czech flag and a few speeches were made.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Managers Meeting

Just back from the managers meeting and reality is setting in for the team as they are all eager to see the start list.
Great fields, with 37 countries represented. On the initial start lists are 61 C1, 62 K1W, 30 C2 and 90 K1M meaning 40 in semis for all classes except C2 where there will be 20 progressing to semis. The K1 boys will race teams but the combined team of NZ & Cook Islands was not allowed so the girls will miss out.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Paddling photos


The final touches to the race venue are happening with tents being erected, signage going up and the electronic timing system being installed. The girls and Shaun did an early morning aerobic session on the flat, before we caught the train to Prague for a spot of sightseeing as a group. the It took some convincing to get everyone to go but it is such a gorgeous city and they had really only been for a short wander one night.
Trying to limit the time was difficult and sightseeing as a group even harder, so we split up and arranged to meet back at Charles Bridge at 1.15pm. Lou, Bridey, Nikki and I spotted a 40 minute tour in a vintage car which was a fantastic idea and even though I had been to Prague many times, it was still worthwhile. Driving near the castle we spotted the Gibb seniors walking the road beside us... amazing in the throngs of tourists!!
Back in Roudnice for the afternoon session for the girls ( boys rest day!) and caught up with Kay Dawson who is judging at the event, before heading to Beijing as a judge.
Dinner with the only South African girl and her dad who had taken some photos of the girls in the afternoon.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


For the girls it was a rest day and the boys paddled at 5pm. This left the day to relax and head into the big shopping centre by Tesco, on the way into Prague. The team who had bought new boats needed to buy weights, we got some essentials and a few new T shirts etc were purchased. Although the Czech crown is stronger against our dollar than last year there are still some things that are quite a good price and besides it will be different to their NZ friends.
After the session another dinner at the Pizzeria and this time the USA team wandered in so they joined our table and the team made some more new friends. There are always funny little incidents.... this time Shaun was MIA and we thought he was having an extra long shower and just chilling , as he does, until we decided to send someone to look for him. He was locked in the room, and once let out joined us for dinner. The boys were being extra diligent and finally locking their room after an earlier incident.... they had gone into a complete spin, even trying to find the German team to ask if they had seen their stuff. Lou and I had hid some of their precious goods. We walked past their room after they had all left for training and seeing their door wide open, the temptation to play some tricks on them, was too great.
Maybe now they might lock up.

Monday, July 21, 2008


The team has settled well into the pre race routine. Both Saturday and Sunday were booked sessions and we have had two, one hour sessions per day. They have been a bit crazy with at least 25-30 boats and everyone trying to get the maximum from the limited time left before the main event. It is a wonder that there hasn’t been more carnage. The team are pleased that we had the earlier training block to ensure they are all familiar with the course.
From tomorrow we have a one hour training slot per day and some of the team are having a rest day and we will head into Tesco, this side of Prague, for weights and last minute things we need pre race eg peanut butter which is not anywhere to be found in Roudnice. The Gibb family and relations from Scotland and NZ will catch up with us either tomorrow or Tuesday so will enhance the kiwi presence, even if some of them have a Scottish accent.
Took a photo of the dog at the course- he looks like he is the first with accreditation. We all had photos yesterday and we will all get a similar pass to get us into the venue.Just back from the afternoon session and we paddled with the Germans and Italians. The Germans have a full team of 15 people ( 12 boats) and look pretty impressive, We managed two collisions with them and they came off worse. They are all staying on our floor at the hotel so I imagine there will be some more interaction before the end of the week. Had dinner with the Swiss team and mixed up the two teams so that everyone had to speak to someone from a different country. Was fun for them and we caught up with their coach Nathalie who came to NZ over summer

Sunday, July 20, 2008