Wednesday, July 13, 2011

0 then BBQ

After one of the most hectic 2 weeks of our lives......yesterday we did a big fat nothing!!!!
Kelly and I went for a flatwater session. Everyone else went to the movies.
Of course while we were all playing, Dale and Wendy were as always.....working...more emails and sorting various plans for the rest of the trip or making sure things are ok with the business they own that they have closed for 2 months for this trip. These 2 are absolute legends. Their planning for this trip was impeccable. Yet, for some reason there have been more weird and unexplainable things go wrong on this trip than any other one I've been on in 30 years of kayaking and travelling the World. So many in fact that we now seem to able to predict them in advance!!!! They have held their heads up high, and despite unbelievable (hey we all know life could be far worse!) situations have kicked on through with barely a murmur of complaint.

Whilst on the subject of legends, we picked the kids up from the mvie and headed to see Corrie and her family and friends at their house for a good ol' USA style 'cook out' BBQ. GPS got us lost for the 37th time but when we got there.......Fantastic food and company, thanks so much you guys, what a great evening and the first time I've seen Dale and Wendy relax so far :-)


Carl said...

All i can say to that is AMEN. You 2 are legends. Everything that has been thrown at you, you have thrown something back.

Lou said...

Well looks like you have a permanent job Dale and wendy. I think we all feel for you over here and know just how much effort and patience it takes !
Thanks anyway from us at home.
On the other hand what great kids you have with you !!
Relax and enjoy !

Lou said...

Sorry Andy forgot you , I think you have been a legend as well !

Laurence said...

Wendy and Dale your awesome! you too Andy :)