Hi everyone. We don't have a whole lot of news from yesterday. We had 2 sessions. First was at 8am and the second at 3-4. Both groups did half runs. The C1's were going really well and I have to give kudos to Aaron Osborne who has been working with Ben and Shaun this year. The boys have certainly done their work and are coming along well. In sessions as busy as these you always get a run or 2 impeded but they coped ok. In the 2nd session Finn had a couple of people pull out in front of him and is learning to just stop and nail it when the course is clear. Jess has become a bit sore in her left shoulder so took a break after half the session and we hope it all good today. Geoff's shoulder seems ok on shorter runs but he struggled a bit on the longer runs so also sat out halfway through.
Kellie Bailey is also now in Wausau working on her 'officials' Prime ministers scholarship to learn more about judging and race organisation. She's got step throat right now though so we're not going anywhere near her for a day or 2.
We may have to get Kellie to have a chat with the organisers about an issue for us. The main building has a notice on the outside clearly stating "No firearms in the building" and Ben is worried he won't be allowed in due to the size of his 'guns'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight there is a networking shinding at the VFW bar that Dale and I will attend. Apparently the bar tab will be paid by Jean Michel.........Tui billboard??
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