Tuesday, July 09, 2013

rest day....Liptovsky Jan

Very lazy catch up day today - perfect weather and those kids who were off colour yesterday slept the morning away and we all generally took it easy with walks in the local streets, visits to the local shop for icecream, a visit to the cold mineral pool down the road, some card and scrabble playing, and a bit of homework .... that is except the management and coaches who attacked the mountain of washing - in fact such a big mountain that they were turned away from the first laundry .... restocked the pantry and organised lunches and dinner and snacks, fixed boats, padded out boats and glued foam and paddles .....No more sickies, just some worn out bodies so the rest has been very beneficial. Tomorrow we have our first training at 8am and another at 2pm so its an early start. The U23 group are having a rest day and some of them are heading up into Poland to do some site seeing.

What follows is a selection of photos from the racing yesterday in Krakow courtesy of Adam Pavlowski, a polish team photographer.


Anonymous said...

Go Hailz

Anonymous said...

Whats in the bag Haylee?