Friday, June 22, 2018


Sunday 10 June...
Hard to believe that in a few short hours (well, 35 hours) we would be landing in beautiful Italy to start the adventure that is the 2018 Canoe Slalom NZ U18 & U23 World Championship Tour.

Casey, Rivey, Patrick, Stewart, Damian, Jack E, Charlie, Lotte, Kerry, Jeanette and Team Bell (Mike, Kathy, and Joy) boarded in chilly NZ, and winged our way to summer in Milan.  The team then drove through the stunning Swiss Alps on the 5 hour trip up to Augsburg, Germany to meet up with Finn and Courtney.  Many of the crew spent some time setting up brand new boats, busy christening them on the Awesome Augsburg Eiskanal.

 Looking forward to meeting up with the balance of the crew down the track: Jack D, Callum G, Zack, James and George.

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