Sunday, June 26, 2011


Everyone is now re-united back in Ottawa. We still don't have many kayaks, they are being freighted from LA to New York and we should see them around Thursday.

All the team got to paddle the great little course at pumphouse in the middle of Ottawa today. Carl, Cole and I had collected our shiny new Vajda Kapsl 2 kayaks, fitted them out and had a good paddle. The rest of the team borrowed boats from various local Canadians and managed to get about 30 minutes on the river. We had an evening out at a restaurant followed by a little retail therapy on the walk home.

The bottom of the course here flows straight in to a tunnel. Carl went to explore but when he got to the bottom found he couldn't get back up......hopped out and walked up someones garden I think he said......and then had to sprint across a 6 lane highway to get back to the course....just to prove kayaking is an adventure sport even in the middle of a city.

Sunday we are getting up early for a paddle on the course hopefully before a midday race and then drive to wilderness tours for 2 days of whitewater paddling and fun whilst we await our kayaks.

Jetlag has been hitting most of us pretty hard, that's why I'm writing this at 5am (!) and Wendy has amusing stories of waking people up in the middle of the afternoon and them not knowing who she was or where they were! The next couple of days should hopefully see us settling in and feeling higher in spirits.

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