Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Hi everyone, We heard all the earthquake news over breakfast, hope you're all well.
Wow, also heard the news about the Scott Guy trial......

We were up at 7 and after a quick meal off to set up our secret site again followed by 50 second courses. For the interested parents/coaches I have put up photos with all the times in them. Let me know if you can expand them/read them or if I'm wasting my time posting them for you.
We found the Eastbay shoe store and booked to go back soon. Also dropped in to the hardware store. Cole picked up the shopping cart above and we got glue etc for fixing boats and putting in weights for race day.
Rained hard and good lightning storm overnight so nice and cool this morning but it'll be 100F in the next couple of days.....yay!!

1 comment:

cole O'Connor-Stratton said...

yeah sweet can read them