Thursday, July 05, 2012

It is getting hotter and hotter. Today is expected to break all heat records in Wausau and then tomorrow is meant to be 5 degress hotter!!!!!!!

Yesterday we had 2 more sessions on our secret little site but we have been visited by the Czech team now who keep coming back looking for the gates as we leave. We can't leave them up unfortunately as they are really cheap and nasty and break even when we move hem carefully. It was a bit embarrassing after this mornings session as we were taking the last gate down as the girls paddled towards us.

Yesterday evening we went to our friend Corries house and were treated like kings at a great BBQ. The kids played B'ball, rugby and foosball whilst Dale told tall stories. He mentioned something about Wendy being the jinx on last years trip because now everything is going fine. Honest Wendy, Dale said it, not Me ;-)

This morning was stupidly hot. I climbed the hill again at 5am and lost about a KG in sweat.

Of course, today is 4th july, American Independence Day. Dale and I read an article about a local who went to war, his best mate was shot and died next to him. His teeth got blown out by a bomb but he was back on the front line a week later. Kinda puts life all in to perspective that's for sure.

We're having a break off paddling this afternoon and are going to watch a lumberjack show followed by the fair and a huge firework display tonight.

1 comment:

Dawn Gray said...

hi, I am Jessica's Aunt, thanks for writing the blog, I check it each day and really appreciate seeing the photos and hearing what she is up to. Looks like you guys are having heaps of fun.
Give Jess a big hug and good luck to everyone.